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Use our VPN after 3 simple steps


Sign-up to Xkalq VPN account

At the top of this page, click “Account”, then if you do not have an account yet, click “Sign-up” option (else click “Login”).


Install App and open it

At the top of this page, click the “Download for ...” button, once you have the file locally, open the file, and follow the install instructions that show up.


Log-in and connect

The App appears on your device, open the App, then fill and submit the Log-in form, once that succeeds, simply click the “Connect” button.

Was easy huh? For more detailed step-by-step guide, see our tutorials.

Multi Layer Security

On top of encrypting everything, our apps are designed to hide your internet traffic as ordinary website-browsing between you and our servers. This makes it harder to pick us out, amongst all the other noise travelling through the internet, and almost impossible to decrypt.

Filter Certain Apps

Our Android & iPhone apps include a "filter" feature, which allows you to pick-and-choose which apps will run over the VPN. This means that you can pick to only pass blocked apps through our connection while allowing unblocked apps to run at full, native speed!

Freedom & Privacy

Xkalq VPN allows accessing any Web-site or content, by breaking down the Internet-censorship barriers (even for journalists and activists). And while free VPN providers sell browsing-history, we don't collect any to begin with.

What Xkalq VPN Users Say