Cases where we need to have VPN?

Well if you want to:
  1. Simply protect yourself, from all sorts of spying (of location, images, bank-account and ...).
  2. Use Apps that need internet, and are rarely secure by themself alone (VPN adds the extra layer security).
  3. Access any site restricted in your country (or in country you made a journey to), VPN changes your IP address, simulating being in a country of your choice.
  4. Use public Wi-Fi, like Hotels, Coffee-shops or Airports, where most times criminals wait for spying.
  5. Avoid government surveillance (which's sometimes sold to other governments).
  6. Use sites not supporting HTTPS (where S stands for secure).
  7. Use file-sharing services (P2P), limited by internet providers to discourage users (but VPN removes the limits).