What is a VPN?
Xkalq VPN, and most consumer-used VPNs, are classed as "personal VPN".
VPN wraps an encrypting shield around your internet traffic,
hiding your location (i.e. IP address), to protect your online identity,
and even hides your doings, by redirecting your traffic's destination.
VPN stands for “Virtual Private Network”,
which was originally invented for "remote access" uses, not "personal" use,
like branch offices, to allow them secure and private access,
into main-office's local resources (i.e. network),
through simulating being in-person at main-office
(beside their local-devices, and connected to their network).
Personal VPNs are like remote access VPNs, with the deference that,
personal VPNs simulate being in their server's location,
instead of simulating being in your workplace.