Installing Xkalq VPN on iOS (iPhone or iPad)

This guide describes how to install our App on iOS devices (like iPhone or iPad).

  1. Open the App Store.
  2. Therein, search for "Xkalq VPN" (without quotes), like shown below (marked with red):
    store app icon

    Note that in countries with VPN restrictions, the search may not find Xkalq VPN app (and hide it). In such cases, see below Fixing search section.

  3. Once found, Tap the Download button, shown below (marked with red):
    store download button

This section describes how to create a new Apple ID, without association to any country.

  1. First open the address below:!&page=signin
  2. In the page opened in last step, click "Create Your Apple ID" link, which should be around the top-right corner:
    create id link
  3. Below shown form appears, choose the United States as your country (or any other unrestricted country), and fill the remaining form as you would normally (choose security questions and answers).
    Apple ID form
  4. At end of form, solve the puzzle, and click the Continue button
    human verify code
  5. You should now receive an email with verification code, enter the verification code.
  6. At last, sign-in to the new Apple ID created in previous steps:

    For iPhone: Open App Store, and Sign out of previous Apple ID, then sign in to the new Apple ID.
    For browser: Sign in to the new Apple ID, by simply following below link (no need to sign out):!&page=signin
  7. Once signed in, you’ll first need to open the Payment Method settings:

    For iPhone: open Settings app and go to Apple ID → Payment & Shipping
    For browser: visit Payment & Shipping → Edit
  8. Therein, choose None as the payment mode, then any foreign billing address and phone number (maybe from public locations providing both online). And click Next option.
    payment settings
  9. Finally, you should be able to download our app, like said at the begin of this page, or from below address directly:
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